
Showing posts from November, 2022

Part 4 - Just Do It

I needed a safe space before I had the emotional health to make it happen. As an adult, I experienced the value of such a space during periods of separation/divorce―even though I didn’t matter, I had my own bedroom, thus my own space. But as soon as I moved into another relationship I lost it and, in not mattering, I didn’t establish a safe place anywhere. Whether I felt deserving or not, whether I had time or not, whether I mattered or not, I should have at least acknowledged that: looking after myself was important if I wanted to adequately deal with life. Knowledge is powerful. Many told me I had to look after myself if I wanted to properly look after my kids. I believed this was true, but I did nothing about it. I allowed myself to carry on in a way I knew was unhealthy… because it was easy. What? Easy? Yeah. It’s hard to change, to stand up for yourself when you’ve never done it. Although I lacked self-worth, I could have used my mind. Logic over feelings. Knowledge over